About Me

  • Name: Aditya Togani
  • Date of birth: 05 May 1994
  • Address: 27000 West Lugonia Ave, Apt # 8312, Redlands, CA - 92374
  • Nationality: Indian
  • Phone: (480) 616 4129
  • Email: atogani@asu.edu

What I Do ?

Software Engineer with over 4 years of experience working as a .NET API Developer. I specialize in the field of Mobile application/API development. Worked as the Test design lead on multiple teams and have in-depth DevOps knowledge. Have experience working in an agile environment. Interested in the computer graphics domain as well as web development.

  • Mobile/API Development
  • Web Development
  • Computer Graphics
  • Microsoft Certified Professional - .NET
  • Video Gamer
  • Football enthusiast


Projects Done




Programming Languages




Product Engineer II

Teaching Assistant / Grader

Software Developement Intern

Technology Consultant




Mobile Application Development95%
Web Development80%
Computer Graphics75%
Operating Systems65%
Cloud Computing60%









  • January 2017 - May 2017

    Content Agnostic Game Engine

    Arizona State University

    Created a game engine using the Content Agnostic Game Engineering model to design educational games. Developed an asteroids-like game. It uses Face recognition software to capture the user’s expressions and runs an analysis to figure out if the user is bored or enjoying the game. Based on the feedback the game adjusts its difficulty to keep the user engaged.

  • October 2016 - December 2016

    Geo-Spatial analysis for hot-spot detection - NYC Taxi Trip data-set

    Arizona State University

    Used Apache Spark for its Map-Reduce Framework and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) was used to store the data. Getis-Ord algorithm was applied on the NYC taxi trip data-set to get the top 50 pick up points. These points were then displayed on a heat-map. A Master slave cluster consisting of 4 computers was used to distribute the workload. Processing was done using the GeoSpark API.

  • October 2016 - December 2016

    Visual Recommender System - StackOverflow Java Dataset

    Arizona State University

    Developed a Visual Recommender System that provides the user with the complete visual analysis of the StackOverflow Java Data-set. The back-end of the system applies machine learning techniques like POS tagging and Word2Vec library to get a set of similar queries. These results are then visually represented and aesthetically displayed on the web browser. This is done with the help of D3.JS. This system recommends the user with queries similar to the input query and it also helps the user to explore the entire data-set efficiently.

  • July 2016

    5Caster - A Navigation and Weather Forecast application


    As member of the team 5Casters that participated and reached the final round of the 2016 Esri Intern Hackathon, we developed an android application that helps the user navigate to his/her destination safely by avoiding bad weather. The application asks the user for weather parameters. Depending on the weather parameters and the weather data fetched, the application displays polygons that represent areas with unfavorable weather conditions. The application also allows the user to re-route and continue traveling. The application was created using ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Xamarin along with other Esri technologies.

  • July 2016

    Source Code Analyzers for ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET


    Created code analyzers using Roslyn (.NET Compiler platform) for Microsoft Visual Studio. These analyzers provide domain specific code analysis via NuGet packages. These analyzers provide warnings to the users as they type the code. The diagnostic also gives user the option to use the Code-fix that automatically changes the code to fix the warning.

  • June 2016

    ArcGIS Runtime GeoDesign Application


    Developed a Touch enabled 3D application using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET. The application was displayed at the 2016 Annual Esri User Conference. The application allows the user to re-model a parking space by dragging 3D models of buildings and trees. The application also allows the user to manipulate these models using touch actions.

  • January 2016 – April 2016

    DAY - A Programming Language (Compiler Design Project)

    Arizona State University

    Created a programming language based on Java. Used ANTLR as the parsing tool. Formulated our very own grammar. The code can be executed using the console window. Converts high level code (.day) to intermediate code (.dpp) and this .dpp file is then executed by our runtime.

  • January 2016 – March 2016

    Voice Recognition android application - Pocket Sphinx

    Arizona State University

    Developed an android application for an automobile infotainment system. It uses Voice Recognition to allow the user to perform operations like call, play music, read a message and connect to bluetooth. We used Pocket Sphinx by CMU to achieve this task.

  • August 2015 – December 2015

    D-Risk SCORE Project – A Web based game (Software Enterprise)(Link)

    Arizona State University

    Worked in an agile environment to develop a web application that implements the classic turn based board game ‘RISK’. Created a multiplayer web game with the help of Node.js, HTML, Java script and MongoDB.

  • August 2015 – December 2015

    Seam Carving Algorithm (Data Structures and Algorithms)

    Arizona State University

    Implemented dynamic programming to resize an image by applying the seam carving algorithm using Python. Calculated the dual gradient energy of each pixel and removed the vertical seam of the image by using a backtracking shortest path algorithm.

  • August 2015 – December 2015

    Ray Tracing Algorithm (Computer Graphics)

    Arizona State University

    Rendered two spheres and a textured plane using C# and Three.JS. Applied recursive ray tracing algorithm to add features like shadows and reflections to the already rendered objects.

  • August 2015 – December 2015

    Subdivision Algorithm (Computer Graphics)

    Arizona State University

    Designed a 3D soft engine that renders a moving mesh using C# and Direct3d. Recursively subdivided the moving mesh using a Brute Force technique

  • May 2014 – May 2015

    Indoor Positioning System - Android Application


    Indoor Positioning System (IPS) can be used where GPS is inadequate. An IPS shows your location inside a building (for example: Which floor you are on?). We created an android application that mapped our entire college campus using college Wi-Fi routers. It takes the co-ordinates of 3 nearby routers along with the strength of the router and calculates the position of the device with the help of a triangulation algorithm.

  • May 2013 – May 2014

    P. Note – Electronic photo diary


    Android application created to supply the user’s with an electronic photo diary. The application allows the user to attach a photo from the local device memory to a note. This adds a visual touch to the note keeping experience. Also the app saves all the notes and gives access to the user via an aesthetic and functional interface.

  • May 2012 – May 2013

    Stock Market Simulation System


    We used C++ to simulate the environment of a stock market. This program enabled the user to login and signup in to the system. The user will then be given a certain amount of money to buy and sell stocks. The stock prices fluctuated with the help of random function. The program showcased a very systematic and aesthetic GUI.

  • May 2012 – May 2013

    Gaming Portal and 3 games


    We created a platform using Java that provided the user with the features like their personal account (with a personal avatar). This portal created an environment where different users could share their high scores online. The portal showcased three different games. The games were created using Java. Snakes, Battleships and Logo quiz were the three games provided to the users.

  • May 2012 – May 2013

    Snakes Game


    Our team recreated the classic snake game using Java.